
Consistent 24/7 production cannot be interrupted.

Some manufacturing sites operate 24 hours a day to produce around the clock. Operating a business 24/7 has distinct economic advantages, but continuous operations provide no downtimes for maintenance, repair and operations. Maintaining business continuity in manufacturing is critical for preventing a costly halt in production. The performance of OT devices need to be monitored on the go thus meeting the challenges of criticality of the production line.



Manage maintenance, repair and operations without any disruption.

PAM4OT is an agentless solution and therefore has no performance impact on the target equipment. The support of the legacy VNC protocol and the associated proprietary overlays allow for a transparent connection to the manufacturer’s supervision stations. No planned downtime is needed to carry out the work to maintenance or repair. Service continuity is never impacted, and the business keeps on running.



Drive efficiency and effectiveness across the organization.

The diversity of connection protocols provided in PAM4OT allows to cover the entire OT perimeter without any impact on the equipment. No agent to install, easy user adoption and no impact on the manufacturer’s warranty. The solution seamlessly slots into the existing production line. The maintenance, reliability, and operations teams have one easy-to-use tool to drive efficiency and effectiveness across the organization.

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