As a digital general contractor, Econocom conceives, finances, and facilitates the digital transformation of large firms and public organisations. With 50 years’ experience, it is the only market player offering 360° expertise through a combination of project financing, equipment distribution and digital services. The group is present in 16 countries, with 8,750 employees and €2,700 m in revenue in 2022. Econocom is listed on Euronext in Brussels, on the BEL Mid and Family Business indices.
Why Wallix is important?
-Because Wallix is the best to guarantee the security of computer systems and authentificaiton with PAM
-Because Wallix meets a set of requirements in terms of regulatory compliance (with respect to the CSSF) or normative compliance (with ISO 27001).
Adresse : 2 rue d’Arlon, L-8399, WINDHOF, LUXEMBOURG
Téléphone : 0352621146055